
5G Infographic January 2023

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5G Infographic January 2023

Global intelligence by the GSA Research Team updating the GAMBoD industry databases and tracking 5G.

515 operators investing in 5G worldwide

243 commercial 5G networks launched worldwide

More than 1700 5G devices announced.





WeChat: GSA Express

5G Infographic January 2023

© GSA 2023

GSA Research

Mobile industry research is the backbone of GSA activity and covers topics from devices, chipsets and technology, to networks, features and spectrum.

The GSA research team is constantly following market dynamics and activity to ensure the latest data is available to GSA users via the GSA website.

Data is updated monthly and quarterly and can be referenced by users who register for free on the GSA website and download multiple reports, charts and videos of webinars. GSA welcomes any contributions on industry data from mobile operators, vendors and suppliers what want to ensure accurate industry data is shared globally.

GSA GAMBoD Database

GSA reports are based on extensive data contained in the GSA GAMBoD databases, which is a resource available to GSA members and associates. Companies and policy makers can subscribe, as a GSA associate, to gain access to GSA databases and member reports for additional insights into the source data behind reports, which can be used for their own research purposes.

Discounted annual subscription are available to regulators, government agencies and licensed mobile operators.

Please email for more information.

5G Infographic January 2023


5G Infographic January 2023

Global intelligence by the GSA Research Team updating the GAMBoD industry databases and tracking 5G.

515 operators investing in 5G worldwide

243 commercial 5G networks launched worldwide

More than 1700 5G devices announced.





WeChat: GSA Express

5G Infographic January 2023

© GSA 2023

GSA Research

Mobile industry research is the backbone of GSA activity and covers topics from devices, chipsets and technology, to networks, features and spectrum.

The GSA research team is constantly following market dynamics and activity to ensure the latest data is available to GSA users via the GSA website.

Data is updated monthly and quarterly and can be referenced by users who register for free on the GSA website and download multiple reports, charts and videos of webinars. GSA welcomes any contributions on industry data from mobile operators, vendors and suppliers what want to ensure accurate industry data is shared globally.

GSA GAMBoD Database

GSA reports are based on extensive data contained in the GSA GAMBoD databases, which is a resource available to GSA members and associates. Companies and policy makers can subscribe, as a GSA associate, to gain access to GSA databases and member reports for additional insights into the source data behind reports, which can be used for their own research purposes.

Discounted annual subscription are available to regulators, government agencies and licensed mobile operators.

Please email for more information.

5G Infographic January 2023


5G Infographic January 2023
Date: 11th Jan 2023
Type: Infographic
Technology: 5G
Originator: GSA

Global mobile Suppliers Association

© GSA 2024