Subscription & Membership Options
Individual Subscriber (Free)
No Access Free Reports Full Access No Access None Fee per group joined* None None SubscribeWorking Group Partner
Partial Access Full Access Access and Product Promotion No Access 2 per annum Fee per group joined* By Invitation Via Marketing Team EnquireAssociate Subscriber
Full Access Full Access Full Access 1hr Per Quarter 4 per annum (1 per quarter) Fee per group joined* By Invitation None EnquireOrdinary Member
Full Access Full Access Full Access 1hr Per Month 12 per annum (1 per month) Participation and Leadership Speakership Participation Via Member Representative EnquireExecutive Member
Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access Unlimited Participation and Leadership Speakership Participation Board Representation EnquireIndividual Subscriber (Free)
No Access Free Reports Full Access No Access None Fee per group joined* None None SubscribeWorking Group Partner
Partial Access Full Access Access and Product Promotion Full Access 2 per annum Fee per group joined* By Invitation Via Marketing Team EnquireAssociate Subscriber
Full Access Full Access Full Access 1hr Per Quarter 4 per annum (1 per quarter) Fee per group joined* By Invitation None EnquireOrdinary Member
Full Access Full Access Full Access 1hr Per Month 12 per annum (1 per month) Participation and Leadership Speakership Participation Via Member Representative EnquireExecutive Member
Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access Unlimited Participation & Leadership Speakership Participation Board Representation Enquire* By invitation and as per the Working Group policy document.
** For full details see the Working Group policy document.
Associates can join working groups – there may be a small annual fee – and the subscription is open to any company or government agency irrespective of your industry.
- Members & Associates get full access for all employees to all GSA reports
- Unlimited access to GAMBoD industry databases – Devices, Public & private Networks, Spectrum, Chipsets, Operators for Members and Associates
- Access to the GSA research team – monthly or quarterly hours (Members – Associates)
- Promote your own white papers via the GSA web site and monthly newsletters
- Speakerships in GSA online events
Executive Members
About GSA Executive Members
GSA Executive Members make up the GSA Executive Committee along with the GSA President. The GSA Executive Committee defines, directs and supports the GSA strategy and objectives as updated from time to time. Executive Members commit time and resources to support Executive Committee activities including attending GSA Executive Committee meetings, conference calls and agreed projects, communication programs and events.
GSA Executive Members have full access to all resources on the GSA web site including GSA authored Member only reports and the GAMBoD database.
Each Executive member has one seat on the Executive Committee, and the right to chair and participate in project activities including the GSA Spectrum Group.
Executive Committee Objectives
- Ensure GSA is the collective vendor voice of the mobile ecosystem
- Ensure GSA educates and is informative in its operations and works to the highest research and communications standards
- Promotion world-wide in new and existing markets of 3GPP technologies and standards including 3G (WCDMA-HSPA, Evolved HSPA/HSPA+), 4G (All LTE variants) and 5G
- Oversees the GSA Spectrum Group Chair and Regional working groups.
- Provide support and input to the mobile industry spectrum debate representing the collective view of the Executive Members
- Provide a single information resource for the industry that supports the promotion of 3GPP technologies and standards
- Support the timely delivery of industry reports that communicate the progress and evolution of 3GPP technologies and standards
- Ensure GSA cooperation with other industry bodies and associations that assist GSA in meeting its objectives
Executive Member Responsibilities
- Provide strategic counsel to the GSA President and other GSA personnel as needed
- Provide input to GSA messaging and communications projects
- Provide input as requested to GSA authored industry reports
- Attend GSA Executive Committee meetings, in person or via conference link
- Working with other GSA Executive Members & GSA personnel produce a bi-annual GSA Executive Industry Report that defines and promotes the technology road-map to 5G for the mobile industry. The report will promote the collective view of the Executive Members.
- Working with other GSA Executive Members & GSA personnel to produce other Executive reports as may be collectively agreed from time to time
- Maintain and promote the GSA brand at every opportunity
- Agree the GSA Events Calendar including timing and delivery of GSA reports
Executive Member Benefits
Main benefits
- With other Executive Committee Members, lead and define the content of the 5G Executive Committee reports that are produced twice per calendar year.
- Participate in the GSA Spectrum Group and take agreed leadership positions in the Spectrum Group Chairmanship and Regional Teams.
- GSA President available to speak at and support Executive Member events globally.
- Unlimited Executive Member whitepapers, reports, presentations, videos made available via the GSA web site with high level visibility and on-line promotion to the GSA registered users and communities.
- Executive Member Companies may be asked to speak at industry events representing GSA.
- Full access to the GAMBoD databases and all GSA content, reports and presentations.
Other benefits
- Setting and defining the GSA strategy.
- Setting and defining the GSA objectives.
- Attendance at GSA hosted events – normally up to ten free places and one speakership.
- Input to GSA generated reports, whitepapers and presentations.
- Opportunities to propose topic, content, sponsor and participate in GSA-branded Webinars.
- Sponsorship opportunities at GSA hosted events and seminars.
- Keynote speaking opportunities at GSA hosted events.
- Own GSA Executive Member page on the Web Site.
GSA Member
About GSA Membership
GSA Members benefit from participating in and influencing the global mobile ecosystem while promoting their own industry views, technology and services. GSA Members can initiate and drive industry reports and increase their visibility to the ever-expanding global mobile ecosystem by leveraging the GSA brand and actively participating in GSA programs and events.
GSA Members have full access to all resources on the GSA web site including GSA authored Member only reports and full access to the GAMBoD databases.
GSA Members have up to two seats on the Executive Board agreed by annual election.
Member Responsibilities
- Support the Member representatives on the GSA Executive Board as requested from time to time ensuring Members’ views and proposals are included in Executive Member Board meetings and discussions.
- Provide input to GSA messaging and communications projects and provide input as requested to GSA authored industry reports.
- Working with other GSA Members & GSA personnel produce member originated reports as may be collectively agreed from time to time.
- Maintain and promote the GSA brand at every opportunity.
- Input to the GSA Events Calendar including proposing own company reports to be promoted via the GSA web site.
Member Benefits
- Join other top industry companies who are members of GSA and leverage GSA’s reputation and globally trusted brand.
- Obtain feedback on current industry topics of interest to help drive own company strategy, product development and customer/industry messaging.
- Industry mentoring and access to influential industry representatives who can offer advice and knowledge on different aspects of the mobile industry.
- Up to 12 Member company whitepapers, reports, presentations, or videos made available via the GSA web site with good visibility and on-line promotion to the GSA registered users and GSA communities.
- Full access to, and potentially drive, GSA industry reports and activities.
- Leverage GSA’s excellent relationships with the supplier community and network operators in all regions.
- Full access to the GAMBoD databases and all GSA content, reports and presentations.
- New business development opportunities from showcasing your company’s name, capabilities and products via the GSA website and GSA-organized activities.
- Capitalize on GSA’s partnerships with key global industry organizations, regional trade associations including those operating in emerging markets, events companies
- Attendance at GSA hosted events – normally up to two free places and one speakership
- Support, contribute to, or sponsor GSA industry case studies and reports
- Lead industry thinking/influence via white papers produced in association with GSA (up to 2 per Member per year)
- Obtain generous discounts off delegate fees for third party-organized conferences in all regions of the world
Working Group Partners
About Working Group Partners
Working Group Partners participate in focused GSA teams or forums to promote specific industry topics.
The current Working Groups are:
- The 4G-5G Fixed Wireless Access Forum
- The Private Mobile Network Working Group Partner
- The RedCap Working Group Partner (Planned for 2H 2024)
GSA Members and Associates can suggest new Working Groups and lead these activities once the group has been agreed by the Executive Board.
GSA can bring new industry insights to WG Partners and help validate product and services strategy via GSA reports, personal industry insights and connections to GSA personnel, GSA Members and industry executives.
WG Partners benefit from participating in and influencing the global mobile ecosystem while promoting their own industry views, technology and services. They can initiate and drive industry reports and increase their visibility to the global mobile ecosystem by leveraging the GSA brand and actively participating in GSA programs.
Working Group Partners Responsibilities
- Provide input to GSA messaging and communications projects and provide input as requested to GSA authored industry reports
- Maintain and promote the GSA brand at every opportunity
- Input to the GSA Events Calendar including proposing own company reports to be promoted via the GSA web site and through GSA communities.
Working Group Partner Benefits
- Join other top industry companies who are members of GSA and leverage GSA’s reputation and globally trusted brand.
- Obtain feedback on current industry topics of interest to help drive own company strategy, product development and customer/industry messaging.
- Industry mentoring and access to influential industry representatives who can offer advice and knowledge on different aspects of the mobile industry.
- Up to four company whitepapers, reports, presentations, or videos made available via the GSA web site with good visibility and on-line promotion to the GSA registered users and GSA communities.
- One free place per GSA organised seminars and a speakership – by invitation.
- Leverage GSA’s excellent relationships with the supplier community and network operators in all regions.
- New business development opportunities from showcasing your company’s name, capabilities and products via the GSA website and GSA-organized activities.
- Capitalise on GSA’s partnerships with key global industry organisations, regional trade associations including those operating in emerging markets.
- Participate in GSA-organized events including seminars, webinars and customer relationship events. Sponsorship, speaking opportunities may be available.
- Support, contribute to, or sponsor GSA industry case studies and reports
- Obtain generous discounts off delegate fees for third party-organized conferences in all regions of the world
GSA Associates
About GSA Associate Subscription
The GSA Associate Subscription is designed for organisations, companies and individuals who do not seek to or do not fall into the mobile supplier criteria for GSA Membership. The subscription provides full company access to all resources on the GSA web site including all GSA authored Member only reports and the GAMBoD databases. GSA Associates can also post four authored corporate collateral during each subscription year that can be promoted via the GSA web site and GSA communities.
A GSA Associate is not a membership category of GSA.
GSA Associate Subscription Benefits
- Full access to the GAMBoD databases and all GSA content, reports and presentations.
- Up to 4 company whitepapers, reports, presentations, or videos made available via the GSA web site with good visibility and on-line promotion to the GSA registered users and GSA communities.
- Support, contribute to, or sponsor GSA industry case studies and reports.
- Obtain generous discounts off delegate fees for third party-organized conferences in all regions of the world
Members & Associates
Executive Members
Ordinary Members & Associates