GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) represents leading GSM, 3G/HSPA and 4G/LTE suppliers worldwide. Our reports and information papers deliver key facts and stats, explain market developments, trends and opportunities, and are widely referenced across the industry. We show how international technology standards and alignment of spectrum band choices for mobile network deployments deliver the largest economies of scale and the widest choice of terminals at lowest cost for users. Other activities include seminars, briefings, case studies, providing support to campaigns, webinars, and speaking at selected industry events. GSA monitors and regularly provides updates on LTE network deployments and launches worldwide, regulatory developments including spectrum, and the status of the devices ecosystem. These reports in particular are highly anticipated and closely followed by our global audience including over 61,000 registered website users. GSA is a Market Representation Partner in 3GPP and co-operates with other key organizations including ETSI, GSM Association, and the ITU.