Since spectrum is a finite resource, GSA advocates the efficient use of all spectrum bands to deliver a broad range of 5G services, from mobile broadband and fixed wireless access, to smart cities, urban and rural areas, as well as industrial and enterprise applications.
4G is extensively deployed around the world, in many cases under technology neutral spectrum licenses. Additional spectrum for 5G has been licensed by countries with operators and enterprises rolling our superfast 5G networks. Administrations and governments are licensing low, mid and high bands spectrum for 5G as the technology continues to be deployed.
GSA advocates technology and service neutral licensing of a sufficient amount of contiguous spectrum for 5G per network, with suitable regulatory conditions, to support the mass market delivery of high bandwidth applications and services. The GSA research team provides a number of resources, to help regulators and administrations understand 5G spectrum requirements, including spectrum reports, spectrum auction tacking and spectrum pricing.
At WRC-19, global spectrum regulators identified several millimetre wave frequency bands for 5G IMT, with around 17 GHz of spectrum for 5G in the 26, 40, 45, 47 and 66 GHz ranges identified for IMT, globally or regionally. National administrations also agreed to study, for the next WRC-23 conference, additional spectrum opportunities in the mid-band frequencies between 3.3 and 10.5 GHz, as well as spectrum below 1 GHz. This will help enable 5G services to be further deployed in wider geographical areas, including rural ones, as well as meet the anticipated increased traffic needs of population centres in the latter half of this decade.
The GSA Spectrum Group is now undertaking industry technical and advocacy work as part of the preparations for WRC-23, where additional spectrum are key topics to support future market growth. GSA is continuing to work with national regulators and administrators to harmonise global spectrum across low, mid- and high-band frequencies to ensure mobile services can meet the expanding services both industry and consumers are expecting in the coming years.
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