GAMBoD Database
Our unique industry databases available for Members and Associates providing unprecedented access to industry intelligence, facts and figures.
Download summary and Member reports on 3GPP mobile technologies: devices, mobile spectrum & technologies, public and private mobile networks, & chipsets.
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Latest Highlights
4G-5G Industry Data
Devices – Technology – Networks – Spectrum – Chipsets – Private Networks – FWA
New Feature
5G Spectrum - Licensing - Allocations - Auctions - Pricing
5G Spectrum licensing for mobile networks is one of the most discussed topics in the industry as well as band allocations and regulatory considerations. Other Spectrum issues are also reported by GSA on a regular basis.
5G Networks
Operators in over 150 countries/territories are investing in 3GPP-compatible 5G services (mobile or fixed wireless access).
GAMBoD: Search & Analyse data on 4G & 5G devices, networks, technologies & spectrum
Our unique industry databases available for Members and Associates providing unprecedented access to industry intelligence, facts and figures.