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NGMN 5G White Paper
A deliverable by the NGMN Alliance

NGMN outlines in the White Paper its vision for 5G empowering value creation through new use cases and being enabled by sustainable business models. Therefore, the capabilities of the network need to be expanded to support much greater throughput, lower latency and higher connection density. To cope with a wide range of use cases and business models, 5G has to provide a high degree of flexibility and scalability by design. In addition, it should show foundational shifts in cost and energy efficiency. On the end-user side, a key requirement for 5G will be that a consistent customer experience is achieved across time and service footprint. NGMN envisages a 5G eco-system that is truly global, free of fragmentation and open for innovations. The commercial introduction of 5G is expected to vary from operator to operator; however, NGMN encourages the ecosystem players to work towards availability of global and commercial solutions by 2020.

Published March 2015

© 2015 Next Generation Mobile Networks Ltd

This document is made available here on the GSA website with the permission of the author.

NGMN 5G White Paper
A deliverable by the NGMN Alliance

NGMN outlines in the White Paper its vision for 5G empowering value creation through new use cases and being enabled by sustainable business models. Therefore, the capabilities of the network need to be expanded to support much greater throughput, lower latency and higher connection density. To cope with a wide range of use cases and business models, 5G has to provide a high degree of flexibility and scalability by design. In addition, it should show foundational shifts in cost and energy efficiency. On the end-user side, a key requirement for 5G will be that a consistent customer experience is achieved across time and service footprint. NGMN envisages a 5G eco-system that is truly global, free of fragmentation and open for innovations. The commercial introduction of 5G is expected to vary from operator to operator; however, NGMN encourages the ecosystem players to work towards availability of global and commercial solutions by 2020.

Published March 2015

© 2015 Next Generation Mobile Networks Ltd

This document is made available here on the GSA website with the permission of the author.

Date: 31st Aug 2015
Type: White Paper
Technology: 5G
Originator: NGMN

Global mobile Suppliers Association

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