
The GSA Spectrum Group was formed in 2016 and is one of our key working groups.

It comprises of over 185 participants from our Executive Member companies to bring together the global mobile broadband community through its website, industry interactions and general communications, by producing reports, views, positions, information papers and activities to advocate, inform, influence, educate, explain and promote the opportunities enabled by mobile broadband systems and solutions based on the family of 3GPP technologies.

To support these objectives  the GSA Spectrum Group develops spectrum strategies and plans, as well as contributing studies and technical analysis, to facilitate the timely availability of harmonised and sufficient spectrum in each of the low, mid and high band frequency ranges to support the ongoing and future deployments of LTE/5G NR/6G. In addition, to ensure technology neutrality regulations for (e)LAA/NR-U/6G-U  by engaging with and advocating to national and regional policymakers.  As part of this GSA supports and addresses the evolution and ongoing development of IMT in ITU such as IMT-2000, IMT-Advanced, IMT-2020, IMT-2030, etc.

The Spectrum Group work is guided by a Management Team and the main work is supported by regional Spectrum Group teams that have regional and localised knowledge on spectrum issues and requirements. Each regional Spectrum Group team works closely with local regulators, government bodies, policymakers and regional mobile industry groups to identify and support the work in key markets to facilitate the timely availability of sufficient and harmonised spectrum and regulatory conditions (to the extent possible), carrying out domestic studies and technical analysis as required.

GSA cooperates with other industry groups, including the GSMA, to support regional events that have a spectrum focus or component. The current GSA spectrum work activity is focused on the follow up from the 2023 World Radiotelecommunications Conference (WRC-23) and the preparation for WRC-27 in 2027.