
4G-5G FWA Forum’s Contribution to EU State Aid Guidelines

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4G-5G FWA Forum’s Contribution to EU State Aid Guidelines ConsultationExecutive Summary

GSA 4G-5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) Forum represents a broad end-to-end 3GPP ecosystem with over 40 companies across infrastructure, chipset, module and customer premise equipment (CPE) industry segments. The GSA FWA forum welcomes the European Commission´s (EC) proposed update to the EU´s Broadband State Aid Guidelines (BBGL) including FWA as an additional technology to close the digital divide in Europe. FWA offers a fast, economically attractive and future proof alternative to deploying broadband services, in particular for rural and less densely populated areas where there is a connectivity gap and fiber deployment costs are high.

In its Gigabit Society Communication the EC set a connectivity target of 100 Mbps download speeds, upgradable to 1 Gbps, for all European households. This 2025 target has been reconfirmed in the recent Digital Compass Communication. Yet, millions of European households lack access to fast and reliable broadband, which has been emphasized in the past two years of Covid-19 pandemic. Bridging this connectivity gap in time to meet the 2025 target will require a range of different technologies including 5G FWA, particularly in harder to reach rural areas. The BBGL should encourage the deployment of state aid in support of the EU target of 100 Mbps for all households by 2025, as a key interim step to its full 2030 ambition, and to ensure all EU households and businesses have access to the ultrafast broadband connectivity in as short a timeframe as possible.

4G-5G FWA Forum’s Contribution to EU State Aid Guidelines Consultation





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4G-5G FWA Forum’s Contribution to EU State Aid Guidelines Consultation

© GSA 2022


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5G-Market Snapshot March 2022

4G-5G FWA Forum’s Contribution to EU State Aid Guidelines ConsultationExecutive Summary

GSA 4G-5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) Forum represents a broad end-to-end 3GPP ecosystem with over 40 companies across infrastructure, chipset, module and customer premise equipment (CPE) industry segments. The GSA FWA forum welcomes the European Commission´s (EC) proposed update to the EU´s Broadband State Aid Guidelines (BBGL) including FWA as an additional technology to close the digital divide in Europe. FWA offers a fast, economically attractive and future proof alternative to deploying broadband services, in particular for rural and less densely populated areas where there is a connectivity gap and fiber deployment costs are high.

In its Gigabit Society Communication the EC set a connectivity target of 100 Mbps download speeds, upgradable to 1 Gbps, for all European households. This 2025 target has been reconfirmed in the recent Digital Compass Communication. Yet, millions of European households lack access to fast and reliable broadband, which has been emphasized in the past two years of Covid-19 pandemic. Bridging this connectivity gap in time to meet the 2025 target will require a range of different technologies including 5G FWA, particularly in harder to reach rural areas. The BBGL should encourage the deployment of state aid in support of the EU target of 100 Mbps for all households by 2025, as a key interim step to its full 2030 ambition, and to ensure all EU households and businesses have access to the ultrafast broadband connectivity in as short a timeframe as possible.

4G-5G FWA Forum’s Contribution to EU State Aid Guidelines Consultation





WeChat: GSA Express


4G-5G FWA Forum’s Contribution to EU State Aid Guidelines Consultation

© GSA 2022


GSA Research

Mobile industry research is the backbone of GSA activity and covers topics from Devices, Chipsets and Technology, to Networks, Features and Spectrum.

The GSA Research Team is constantly following market dynamics and activity to ensure the latest data is available to GSA users via the GSA website.

Data is updated monthly and quarterly and can be referenced by users who register for free on the GSA web site.

GSA GAMBoD Database

GSA reports are based on extensive data contained in the GSA GAMBoD databases, which is a resource available to GSA Members and Associates. Companies and policy makers can subscribe, as a GSA Associate, to gain access to GSA databases and Member Reports for additional insights into the source data behind reports, which can be used for their own research purposes.

Discounted annual subscription are available to regulators, government agencies and licensed mobile operators.
5G-Market Snapshot March 2022

4G-5G FWA Forum’s Contribution to EU State Aid Guidelines
Date: 25th Mar 2022
Type: Consultation
Technology: Fixed Wireless Access
Originator: GSA

Global mobile Suppliers Association

© GSA 2024