
5G: 3GPP RAN – LTE Release 13

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Presentation by Dino Flore, Chairman of 3GPP RAN at the ATIS 5G Symposium, June 2015

The presentation outlines the main features for the evolution of LTE in Release 13 and 3GPP’s initial plans for 5G.

3GPP Release 13 advances include:

* Offload to unlicensed spectrum, considering both LTE/Wi-Fi interworking and LTE over unlicensed (LAA)
* Enhancements for Carrier Aggregation (up to 32 CCs)
* Elevation Beamforming/Full-Dimension MIMO
* Study of downlink multi-user transmissions using superposition coding
* M2M (in 3GPP this is MTC) enhancements
* New radio optimized for the low end of the IoT market
* D2D Enhancements

The timeline for the 3GPP standardization effort for next generation cellular technology, aka 5G is covered:

* IMT 2020 submission deadlines
* 5G timeline in 3GPP
* Next generation radio technology
* Operation above 6 GHz
* Service & system aspects

This document is made available here on the GSA website with the permission of the author.

Opinions expressed in the content posted here are the personal opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of GSA.

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Presentation by Dino Flore, Chairman of 3GPP RAN at the ATIS 5G Symposium, June 2015

The presentation outlines the main features for the evolution of LTE in Release 13 and 3GPP’s initial plans for 5G.

3GPP Release 13 advances include:

* Offload to unlicensed spectrum, considering both LTE/Wi-Fi interworking and LTE over unlicensed (LAA)
* Enhancements for Carrier Aggregation (up to 32 CCs)
* Elevation Beamforming/Full-Dimension MIMO
* Study of downlink multi-user transmissions using superposition coding
* M2M (in 3GPP this is MTC) enhancements
* New radio optimized for the low end of the IoT market
* D2D Enhancements

The timeline for the 3GPP standardization effort for next generation cellular technology, aka 5G is covered:

* IMT 2020 submission deadlines
* 5G timeline in 3GPP
* Next generation radio technology
* Operation above 6 GHz
* Service & system aspects

This document is made available here on the GSA website with the permission of the author.

Opinions expressed in the content posted here are the personal opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of GSA.

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Date: 19th Aug 2015
Type: Presentation
Technology: 5G
Originator: 3GPP

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