5G Smart Sea Port – Nokia white paper.
The 5G smart sea port field trial by the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), Deutsche Telekom (DT), and Nokia is a perfect demonstration of key 5G use cases that require URLLC, eMBB, MTC, and network slicing. These use cases will improve the productivity of the port authority, as well as provide a series of environmental and social benefits. The fact that this is a field trial and not a lab trial was very important in our scoring, because network slicing can be challenging in such a complex and changing environment.
The Hamburg Port Authority AöR (HPA) has been providing future-oriented port management services since 2005. To ensure safe and efficient processes in the Port of Hamburg and to meet the demands of a growing port, the HPA relies on intelligent and innovative solutions. The HPA is responsible for resource-efficient, sustainable planning and the implementation of infrastructure projects in the port. It is the contact point for all kinds of questions concerning the waterside and landside infrastructure, the safety of navigation for vessels, port railway facilities, port property management, and business conditions in the port.
The port covers an area of 80 square kilometres, of which half are land areas. The location is naturally advantaged by the branching Elbe river, creating an ideal place for a port complex with warehousing and trans-shipment facilities.
By 2025, the port is expected to grow to:
• approximately 18 million containers/year
• tens of thousands of trucks/day including self-driving and remote-controlled vehicles
• approximately 100,000 mobile sensors.
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