
5G Update – Global Market Trials

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The past eighteen months have seen substantial investment in developing, lab testing and running field trials of 5G enabling and candidate technologies. The development of 5G systems has moved well beyond equipment vendors’ labs and into operators’ networks.

By the start of September 2017 GSA had identified 81 operators, in 42 countries, that have demonstrated or are testing, trialling or have been licensed to begin field trials of 5G enabling and candidate technologies.

Between them they have announced over 140 separate demonstrations, tests or trials that we have been able to identify.

This GSA paper focuses solely on what operators are reporting and announcing. It does not analyse trials and tests being run by vendors independently of licensed network operators, nor does it compare vendors’ various technologies.

©2017 GSA

Maps and charts may be reproduced and used providing GSA is credited as the source.

Updated with UK 5G trial 28th Sept 2017

The past eighteen months have seen substantial investment in developing, lab testing and running field trials of 5G enabling and candidate technologies. The development of 5G systems has moved well beyond equipment vendors’ labs and into operators’ networks.

By the start of September 2017 GSA had identified 81 operators, in 42 countries, that have demonstrated or are testing, trialling or have been licensed to begin field trials of 5G enabling and candidate technologies.

Between them they have announced over 140 separate demonstrations, tests or trials that we have been able to identify.

This GSA paper focuses solely on what operators are reporting and announcing. It does not analyse trials and tests being run by vendors independently of licensed network operators, nor does it compare vendors’ various technologies.

©2017 GSA

Maps and charts may be reproduced and used providing GSA is credited as the source.

Updated with UK 5G trial 28th Sept 2017

Date: 14th Sep 2017
Type: GSA Report
Technology: 5G
Originator: GSA

Global mobile Suppliers Association

© GSA 2025