Countdown to WRC-23: ITUNews Magazine
World Radiocommunication Conference 20 November — 15 December 2023 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Less than a year from now, Member States of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) will convene in Dubai, United Arab Emirates for the next World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC‑23).
The conference gives ITU Member States the opportunity to update the Radio Regulations — the international treaty that governs the use of the frequency spectrum and associated satellite orbits. The ITU Radio Regulations enable countries to provide access to new wireless terrestrial and satellite systems, technologies and services while simultaneously ensuring that all radio systems can coexist without receiving harmful interference.
The visionary signatories of the first International Radio Telegraph Convention back in 1906 already foresaw that future conferences would modify the Convention and the complementing Regulations.
Opening doors to new applications
Indeed, the digital revolution has opened the doors to a variety of new applications that are spurring greater interest in, and demand for, the world’s limited spectrum and orbital resources. This increased demand sometimes requires changes to the regulatory framework. The Radio Regulations have continuously taken advantage of technological developments to increase the efficient use of the spectrum and facilitate spectrum access. Modifications to the international treaty have addressed the needs of new services along with the spectrum requirements of existing services; ensured the timely availability of spectrum and corresponding regulatory provisions; and maintained the benefits of globally harmonized frequency bands.
Draft CPM Report now available
Looking at all that is at stake at each World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) can be a challenging task. However, I am delighted to say we have reached an important landmark towards WRC‑23 with the completion of the draft Conference Preparatory Meeting Report — now available on our portal in English, with other languages to follow. The draft CPM Report includes important study results from the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU–R) ahead of WRC‑23 as well as proposed ways forward to resolve issues on the conference agenda. I should here acknowledge all the efforts put into this process by our members, under the exceptional leadership of the chairs of all responsible groups and of the CPM chair and her steering committee and management team.
Without all those efforts over the last three years, we would not have been able to carry out complex ITU–R preparatory studies and meet the deadline for completion of the draft CPM texts by the responsible ITU–R groups. The over 900 pages of the draft CPM Report, the numerous methods and alternatives proposed to satisfy agenda items, and the many views presented in the draft CPM texts all reflect the complexity of the issues on the WRC‑23 agenda and the challenges of virtual meetings during the first two years of this cycle.
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Countdown to WRC-23: ITUNews Magazine