
Dynamic end-to-end network slicing for 5G

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Dynamic end-to-end network slicing for 5G

Nokia White Paper addressing 5G requirements for diverse services, use cases, and business models.

Next-generation 5G networks will enable a fully mobile and connected society. The proliferation of wearable devices and wireless connected objects will pave the way to a wide variety of new use cases and business models. But a fundamental rethinking of the mobile network is needed to realize the full potential 5G offers to support a variety of very diverse and extreme requirements for latency, throughput, capacity, and availability. The network architecture must shift from the current network of entities architecture to a network of capabilities architecture.

And network models must shift from the current network for connectivity model to a network for services model. Network slicing offers an effective way to meet the requirements of all use cases using a common network infrastructure. This paper outlines a dynamic network slicing concept that enables design, deployment, customisation and optimization of different network slices on a common infrastructure.

©2016 Nokia

This white paper is published on the GSA web site with the permission of the author.

Nokia is an Executive Member of GSA.



Dynamic end-to-end network slicing for 5G

Nokia White Paper addressing 5G requirements for diverse services, use cases, and business models.

Next-generation 5G networks will enable a fully mobile and connected society. The proliferation of wearable devices and wireless connected objects will pave the way to a wide variety of new use cases and business models. But a fundamental rethinking of the mobile network is needed to realize the full potential 5G offers to support a variety of very diverse and extreme requirements for latency, throughput, capacity, and availability. The network architecture must shift from the current network of entities architecture to a network of capabilities architecture.

And network models must shift from the current network for connectivity model to a network for services model. Network slicing offers an effective way to meet the requirements of all use cases using a common network infrastructure. This paper outlines a dynamic network slicing concept that enables design, deployment, customisation and optimization of different network slices on a common infrastructure.

©2016 Nokia

This white paper is published on the GSA web site with the permission of the author.

Nokia is an Executive Member of GSA.



Date: 9th Sep 2016
Type: Member White Paper
Technology: 5G
Originator: Nokia