Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) architectures continue to expand across the telecommunications industry due to its bene ts of exibility, scalability, and e ciencies o ered by virtualized environments. Radisys released a Media Processing in NFV Architectures white paper in December 2014 that reviews the general bene ts that NFV architecture o er to service and solution providers and describes the challenges posed by fully virtualized environments for real-time applications in general, and media processing applications in particular. This white paper is an evolution of that earlier work based on real-world integration challenges and experiences. To overcome these challenges, Radisys developed the MediaEngineTM Virtualized Media Resource Function (vMRF), a media processing powerhouse used for a wide range of revenue-generating interactive HD audio and HD video services.
This so ware-only solution is highly optimized to deliver exceptional media processing performance in virtualized and cloud environments.
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