
GAMBoD Spectrum Allocation Database – Beta Version

GAMBoD Spectrum Allocation Database – Beta Version

This is a new feature in GAMBoD where Members and Associates can search and analyse mobile spectrum usage in more than 100 countries. This is a beta version and will continue to be refined and enhanced during 2021.

Users can search by specific spectrum ranges in Low band –  Mid band – High Band and by country or region displaying graphically the allocation of mobile spectrum per operator, where that data is available.

Selecting the spectrum allocation shows the actual allocation and use.

Example of the data presented for parts or EMEA.

GAMBoD Spectrum Allocation Database


The mission of GSA is to promote the 3GPP Technology roadmap and ensure there is adequate spectrum made available to support advance mobile broad band services and the wider deployment of mobile applications.

This new addition to GAMBoD will be a critical tool for GSA Members and Associates to support the wider understanding of the industry for their planning and strategy.

This is a beta release so is in continuous development. Please provide any feedback on new or existing spectrum allocations, errors or bugs to

GAMBoD Spectrum Allocation Database – Beta Version

©GSA 2020

GAMBoD: 4G & 5G Devices Networks, Technologies and Spectrum Database

GAMBoD, the GSA Analyser for Mobile Broadband Data, is a unique search and analysis tool we developed to support our Members and Associates with the most up to date information on 4G & 5G devices networks, technologies and spectrum. Search results are presented as a list, or as a spreadsheet, or in charts that may be inserted into documents or presentations, subject to accreditation of GSA as the source

The LTE Devices database can be searched by supplier, form factor, features, peak downlink and uplink speeds, and operating frequency. The NTS (Networks, Technologies & Spectrum) database can be searched by MBB technology, feature, UE category, downlink speed, spectrum bands used and can be segmented by region. Results are presented as a list or in charts. Charts may be inserted into documents or presentations, subject to accreditation of GSA as the source.

GAMBoD is a resource dedicated to promoting the success and growth of the MBB industry and ecosystem and is fully available to all employees of GSA Executive and Ordinary Member companies and GSA Associates who subscribe to the service.

GAMBoD Spectrum Allocation Database – Beta Version

This is a new feature in GAMBoD where Members and Associates can search and analyse mobile spectrum usage in more than 100 countries. This is a beta version and will continue to be refined and enhanced during 2021.

Users can search by specific spectrum ranges in Low band –  Mid band – High Band and by country or region displaying graphically the allocation of mobile spectrum per operator, where that data is available.

Selecting the spectrum allocation shows the actual allocation and use.

Example of the data presented for parts or EMEA.

GAMBoD Spectrum Allocation Database


The mission of GSA is to promote the 3GPP Technology roadmap and ensure there is adequate spectrum made available to support advance mobile broad band services and the wider deployment of mobile applications.

This new addition to GAMBoD will be a critical tool for GSA Members and Associates to support the wider understanding of the industry for their planning and strategy.

This is a beta release so is in continuous development. Please provide any feedback on new or existing spectrum allocations, errors or bugs to

GAMBoD Spectrum Allocation Database – Beta Version

©GSA 2020

GAMBoD: 4G & 5G Devices Networks, Technologies and Spectrum Database

GAMBoD, the GSA Analyser for Mobile Broadband Data, is a unique search and analysis tool we developed to support our Members and Associates with the most up to date information on 4G & 5G devices networks, technologies and spectrum. Search results are presented as a list, or as a spreadsheet, or in charts that may be inserted into documents or presentations, subject to accreditation of GSA as the source

The LTE Devices database can be searched by supplier, form factor, features, peak downlink and uplink speeds, and operating frequency. The NTS (Networks, Technologies & Spectrum) database can be searched by MBB technology, feature, UE category, downlink speed, spectrum bands used and can be segmented by region. Results are presented as a list or in charts. Charts may be inserted into documents or presentations, subject to accreditation of GSA as the source.

GAMBoD is a resource dedicated to promoting the success and growth of the MBB industry and ecosystem and is fully available to all employees of GSA Executive and Ordinary Member companies and GSA Associates who subscribe to the service.

GAMBoD Spectrum Allocation Database – Beta Version
Date: 18th Dec 2020
Type: GAMBoD Database
Technology: Spectrum
Originator: GSA

Global mobile Suppliers Association

© GSA 2024