
GSA Launches New LTE Broadcast Report, calls for inputs to new survey

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GSA is undertaking new research into the development of LTE Broadcast based on eMBMS technology and appropriate video compression and transport technologies. We have commissioned Innovation Observatory – an independent analyst company – to carry out a programme of surveys and discussions with relevant individuals and organisations.

The first stage of the research is an online survey of the GSA community (operators, vendors, industry experts and others), and we would very much appreciate your help. If you can spare around 10 minutes, please help us by completing the survey at

We will provide you with a copy of the completed research in Q4 of this year. All the research will be confidential. Innovation Observatory will use the survey data to help model the opportunity for LTE Broadcast, and to prepare a new report for GSA, to be published in October 2015. None of the information from the research will be attributed to any organisation or individual without explicit permission in advance. If you would like more information about the research, please contact Simon Sherrington or Danny Dicks at Innovation Observatory.

Tel +44 1480 309341

GSA is undertaking new research into the development of LTE Broadcast based on eMBMS technology and appropriate video compression and transport technologies. We have commissioned Innovation Observatory – an independent analyst company – to carry out a programme of surveys and discussions with relevant individuals and organisations.

The first stage of the research is an online survey of the GSA community (operators, vendors, industry experts and others), and we would very much appreciate your help. If you can spare around 10 minutes, please help us by completing the survey at

We will provide you with a copy of the completed research in Q4 of this year. All the research will be confidential. Innovation Observatory will use the survey data to help model the opportunity for LTE Broadcast, and to prepare a new report for GSA, to be published in October 2015. None of the information from the research will be attributed to any organisation or individual without explicit permission in advance. If you would like more information about the research, please contact Simon Sherrington or Danny Dicks at Innovation Observatory.

Tel +44 1480 309341

Date: 3rd Sep 2015
Type: GSA Report, GSA Content
Technology: LTE Broadcast (eMBMS)
Originator: GSA

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