
LTE, 5G and 3GPP IoT Chipsets: Status Update

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GSA is continuously tracking the mobile industry and reporting on adoption of 3GPP standardized technologies and the expansion of the mobile ecosystem. This report complements the broader Status of the LTE Ecosystem reports based on the GSA GAMBoD devices database (which covers modules as well as end-user devices of multiple types).

The focus of this report is discrete cellular modem SoCs, mobile processors and platforms used in devices with LTE connectivity, and chipsets designed for devices using 3GPP-defined IoT technologies. As chipsets emerge to support commercial 5G devices, these will also be tracked.

Data and charts can be used providing GSA is credited as the source.

©2018 GSA

GSA is continuously tracking the mobile industry and reporting on adoption of 3GPP standardized technologies and the expansion of the mobile ecosystem. This report complements the broader Status of the LTE Ecosystem reports based on the GSA GAMBoD devices database (which covers modules as well as end-user devices of multiple types).

The focus of this report is discrete cellular modem SoCs, mobile processors and platforms used in devices with LTE connectivity, and chipsets designed for devices using 3GPP-defined IoT technologies. As chipsets emerge to support commercial 5G devices, these will also be tracked.

Data and charts can be used providing GSA is credited as the source.

©2018 GSA

LTE, 5G and 3GPP IoT Chipsets: Status Update
Date: 20th Feb 2018
Type: GSA Report
Technology: 5G, LTE
Originator: GSA