
Microwave Transport in 4G and 5G Networks

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In the past decade, microwave transport technology has evolved to address the increasingly demanding requirements of wireless networks. 4.x and 5G standards introduce new architectures and new interfaces and enable new services with different requirements. This is creating capacity and latency constraints on the transport network. This paper examines how the latest developments and standards will help microwave continue to be a relevant transport technology in 4.x and 5G networks.

©2017 Nokia

Nokia is an Executive Member of GSA

In the past decade, microwave transport technology has evolved to address the increasingly demanding requirements of wireless networks. 4.x and 5G standards introduce new architectures and new interfaces and enable new services with different requirements. This is creating capacity and latency constraints on the transport network. This paper examines how the latest developments and standards will help microwave continue to be a relevant transport technology in 4.x and 5G networks.

©2017 Nokia

Nokia is an Executive Member of GSA

Date: 14th Feb 2017
Type: Member White Paper
Technology: 5G, LTE, Other
Originator: Nokia

Global mobile Suppliers Association

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