
Progress to 5G: Fast Facts from MWC 2017 – GSA

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Mobile World Congress (MWC) at Barcelona at the end of February was a chance for the mobile telecoms industry and those industries with a stake in mobile telecoms to get together and share ideas, products and services. This year 5G, and progress towards it, was a central focus for the exhibits and the buzz around the show.

This short fast facts report will help bring you up to date on the main items around 5G.

©2017 GSA

Mobile World Congress (MWC) at Barcelona at the end of February was a chance for the mobile telecoms industry and those industries with a stake in mobile telecoms to get together and share ideas, products and services. This year 5G, and progress towards it, was a central focus for the exhibits and the buzz around the show.

This short fast facts report will help bring you up to date on the main items around 5G.

©2017 GSA

Date: 8th Mar 2017
Type: GSA Report
Technology: 5G
Originator: GSA