Spectrum Auctions November 2021 – Calendar
This is an updated report from GSA on the current status of spectrum auctions and assignments around the world. It has been updated since October 2021 to reflect
the changing industry developments on spectrum release activities. GSA has a large and active Spectrum Group which is active in all regions and is aligned along ITU lines. The Spectrum Group is authoring reports on different spectrum areas from low- mid- and high-band frequencies.
The auction calendar includes all forthcoming auctions/assignments known to GSA. Auctions/assignments are only included when a definite decision to assign the spectrum has been announced. (Spectrum under consideration or consultation for assignment is not included).
Auctions/assignments are removed from the calendar once the assignment process has been completed.
Note that ongoing processes with no
formal end date (e.g., for the administrative award of local or private or shared licences available on simple application) are included in advance of the opening of the application process but are removed once the application process has been opened.
Please email research@gsacom.com for any updates to this auction calendar.
A list of recently completed auctions/ assignments is provided in a second table for reference.
Spectrum Auctions November 2021 – Calendar
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© GSA 2021
GAMBoD Database
GAMBoD, the GSA Analyser for Mobile Broadband Data is a unique search and analysis tool we developed to provide the industry with up to date information on the growth and expansion of the mobile broadband ecosystem of devices and networks. The GSA research team constantly updates GAMBoD with new 4G and 5G devices and shows progress of 3GPP technology adoption and spectrum usage by mobile operators. The data can be searched and filtered to give technology, device and regional analysis that can be used in your reports or presentations.
Results are presented as a list or in charts that can be downloaded. An RSS feed can be subscribed to for alerts as new devices are added to the database. Charts may be inserted into documents or presentations, subject to accreditation of GSA as the source.
Actual mobile network performance (Downlink & Uplink Speed and latency) is displayed by Operator (coming Q4 2019) based on a partnership with OpenSignal.
GSA Reports
We produce around 240 unique industry reports, white-papers, presentations, charts and industry snapshots each year, of which the vast majority are free to download by registered web site users.
Our flagship deliverables are the Evolution of LTE to 5G report, published and updated quarterly and the 5G Ecosystem report that tracks and reports on 5G devices.
Our reports, statistics and information are researched and verified by the GSA research and material is referenced widely by an increasing range of companies from a growing number of industries as mobile technologies permeate deeper into corporate, businesses, everyday life and into different devices and ecosystems.
If you are a devices manufacturer or mobile operator and wish to provide updated information to be included in our reports or added to GAMBoD please email research@gsacom.com