
Spectrum Bands Used in 480 Commercially Launched LTE Networks

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Spectrum Bands Used in 480 Commercially Launched LTE Networks
Chart produced by GSA confirming the main spectrum bands which are currently used in 480 commercially launched LTE networks worldwide, and showing the number of network deployments per band.

Data provided covers FDD and TDD network deployments.

Source of data: GSA Evolution to LTE report published January 25, 2016

1800 MHz (b3) is the most widely used contiguous band in 4G/LTE commercially launched systems deployments worldwide. The second most popular contiguous band is 2.6 GHz (b7), followed by 800 MHz (b20) then AWS (b4)

Band 40 is the most commonly used spectrum for TDD deployments

©Copyright 2016 GSA – Global mobile Suppliers Association

Spectrum Bands Used in 480 Commercially Launched LTE Networks
Chart produced by GSA confirming the main spectrum bands which are currently used in 480 commercially launched LTE networks worldwide, and showing the number of network deployments per band.

Data provided covers FDD and TDD network deployments.

Source of data: GSA Evolution to LTE report published January 25, 2016

1800 MHz (b3) is the most widely used contiguous band in 4G/LTE commercially launched systems deployments worldwide. The second most popular contiguous band is 2.6 GHz (b7), followed by 800 MHz (b20) then AWS (b4)

Band 40 is the most commonly used spectrum for TDD deployments

©Copyright 2016 GSA – Global mobile Suppliers Association

Date: 18th Feb 2016
Type: GSA Chart, GSA Content
Technology: Spectrum
Originator: GSA