
Spectrum Calendar March 2022 – Auctions planned and completed

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Spectrum Calendar March 2022 – Auctions planned and completed

  • Key spectrum auctions concluded in Latvia for the the 700MHz and 1.5GHz bands.
  • Mayotte and Reunion spectrum auctions concluded for 700 MHz, 900MHz and 3.4-3.8GHz range
  • Hong Kong and Pakistan have announced their intended dates for spectrum auctions
  • Delays or postponements of auctions for numerous reasons, such as South Korea and Peru
  • Spanish government has announced a reorganisation of 3.5GHz spectrum holdings.

This is an updated report from GSA about the status of spectrum auctions and assignments around the world. It has been updated since February 2022 to reflect activities related to the release of spectrum. GSA has a large Spectrum Group that is active in all regions and is aligned along ITU lines. The Spectrum Group is authoring reports about different spectrum areas from low- and mid-band to high-band frequencies.

The auction calendar includes all forthcoming auctions and assignments known to GSA. Auctions and assignments are only included when a definite decision to assign the spectrum has been announced. Spectrum under consideration or consultation for assignment is not included.

Auctions and assignments are removed from the calendar once the assignment process has been completed.

Note that ongoing processes with no formal end date (for example, for the administrative award of local or private or shared licenses available on simple application) are included in advance of the opening of the application process, but are removed once the application process has been opened.

Please email for updates to this auction calendar.

A list of recently completed auctions and assignments is provided in a second table for reference.

Spectrum Calendar March 2022





WeChat: GSA Express


Spectrum Calendar March 2022

© GSA 2022


GSA Research

Mobile industry research is the backbone of GSA activity and covers topics from Devices, Chipsets and Technology, to Networks, Features and Spectrum.

The GSA Research Team is constantly following market dynamics and activity to ensure the latest data is available to GSA users via the GSA website.

Data is updated monthly and quarterly and can be referenced by users who register for free on the GSA web site.

GSA GAMBoD Database

GSA reports are based on extensive data contained in the GSA GAMBoD databases, which is a resource available to GSA Members and Associates. Companies and policy makers can subscribe, as a GSA Associate, to gain access to GSA databases and Member Reports for additional insights into the source data behind reports, which can be used for their own research purposes.

Discounted annual subscription are available to regulators, government agencies and licensed mobile operators.

Spectrum Calendar March 2022 – Auctions planned and completed

  • Key spectrum auctions concluded in Latvia for the the 700MHz and 1.5GHz bands.
  • Mayotte and Reunion spectrum auctions concluded for 700 MHz, 900MHz and 3.4-3.8GHz range
  • Hong Kong and Pakistan have announced their intended dates for spectrum auctions
  • Delays or postponements of auctions for numerous reasons, such as South Korea and Peru
  • Spanish government has announced a reorganisation of 3.5GHz spectrum holdings.

This is an updated report from GSA about the status of spectrum auctions and assignments around the world. It has been updated since February 2022 to reflect activities related to the release of spectrum. GSA has a large Spectrum Group that is active in all regions and is aligned along ITU lines. The Spectrum Group is authoring reports about different spectrum areas from low- and mid-band to high-band frequencies.

The auction calendar includes all forthcoming auctions and assignments known to GSA. Auctions and assignments are only included when a definite decision to assign the spectrum has been announced. Spectrum under consideration or consultation for assignment is not included.

Auctions and assignments are removed from the calendar once the assignment process has been completed.

Note that ongoing processes with no formal end date (for example, for the administrative award of local or private or shared licenses available on simple application) are included in advance of the opening of the application process, but are removed once the application process has been opened.

Please email for updates to this auction calendar.

A list of recently completed auctions and assignments is provided in a second table for reference.

Spectrum Calendar March 2022





WeChat: GSA Express


Spectrum Calendar March 2022

© GSA 2022


GSA Research

Mobile industry research is the backbone of GSA activity and covers topics from Devices, Chipsets and Technology, to Networks, Features and Spectrum.

The GSA Research Team is constantly following market dynamics and activity to ensure the latest data is available to GSA users via the GSA website.

Data is updated monthly and quarterly and can be referenced by users who register for free on the GSA web site.

GSA GAMBoD Database

GSA reports are based on extensive data contained in the GSA GAMBoD databases, which is a resource available to GSA Members and Associates. Companies and policy makers can subscribe, as a GSA Associate, to gain access to GSA databases and Member Reports for additional insights into the source data behind reports, which can be used for their own research purposes.

Discounted annual subscription are available to regulators, government agencies and licensed mobile operators.

Spectrum Calendar March 2022 – Auctions planned and completed
Date: 14th Mar 2022
Type: GSA Report
Technology: Spectrum
Originator: GSA

Global mobile Suppliers Association

© GSA 2024