
Spectrum for 5G Snapshot – August 2018 update

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Five countries have completed 5G-specific spectrum auctions.

  • Eight countries have completed auctions of spectrum that may be used for 5G:
  • Czechia, 3600–3800 MHz (high-speed mobile data services, July 2017)
  • Germany, 700 MHz (mobile broadband, 2015, with spectrum available from 2019)
  • Greece, 24.5–26.5 GHz (FWA, 2017)
  • Norway, 900 MHz (mobile services, 2017)
  • Saudi Arabia, 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 1800 MHz (next generation wireless high-speed data services, 2018)
  • Spain, 3.5 GHz (mobile broadband services, 2016)
  • Tanzania, 700 MHz (ICT services, 2018)
  • USA, 600 MHz (technology neutral, 2017) and 28 GHz, 39 GHz (mobile use, 1999–2006)

Seventeen countries have formally announced plans to auction 5G spectrum between 2018 and 2021.

Ten countries have planned spectrum allocations in bands that can be potentially used for 5G.

These slides contain extracts from the GSA report “Spectrum for Terrestrial 5G Networks: Licensing Developments Worldwide”available from the GSA website at

Content can be used if GSA is referenced as the source.

Five countries have completed 5G-specific spectrum auctions.

  • Eight countries have completed auctions of spectrum that may be used for 5G:
  • Czechia, 3600–3800 MHz (high-speed mobile data services, July 2017)
  • Germany, 700 MHz (mobile broadband, 2015, with spectrum available from 2019)
  • Greece, 24.5–26.5 GHz (FWA, 2017)
  • Norway, 900 MHz (mobile services, 2017)
  • Saudi Arabia, 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 1800 MHz (next generation wireless high-speed data services, 2018)
  • Spain, 3.5 GHz (mobile broadband services, 2016)
  • Tanzania, 700 MHz (ICT services, 2018)
  • USA, 600 MHz (technology neutral, 2017) and 28 GHz, 39 GHz (mobile use, 1999–2006)

Seventeen countries have formally announced plans to auction 5G spectrum between 2018 and 2021.

Ten countries have planned spectrum allocations in bands that can be potentially used for 5G.

These slides contain extracts from the GSA report “Spectrum for Terrestrial 5G Networks: Licensing Developments Worldwide”available from the GSA website at

Content can be used if GSA is referenced as the source.

Date: 10th Aug 2018
Type: GSA Snapshot
Technology: 5G, Spectrum
Originator: GSA