
Spectrum for 5G Report

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This GSA report provides a snapshot of the global status of 5G spectrum as of the end of December 2017. It analyses the major mobile markets that are moving towards 5G, with particular reference to 5G spectrum use, allocations, auctions, and trials. The report first covers recent 5G spectrum activity worldwide including auction and allocation plans. It then briefly collates information on 5G trials, and the operators that are investigating 5G around the world.

©2018 GSA

Images and charts may be used providing GSA is shown as the source.

This GSA report provides a snapshot of the global status of 5G spectrum as of the end of December 2017. It analyses the major mobile markets that are moving towards 5G, with particular reference to 5G spectrum use, allocations, auctions, and trials. The report first covers recent 5G spectrum activity worldwide including auction and allocation plans. It then briefly collates information on 5G trials, and the operators that are investigating 5G around the world.

©2018 GSA

Images and charts may be used providing GSA is shown as the source.

Date: 10th Jan 2018
Type: GSA Report
Technology: 5G, Spectrum
Originator: GSA

Global mobile Suppliers Association

© GSA 2025