Spectrum Positions: From 600 MHz – September 2021
Spectrum in the 600 MHz range (617-652/663-698 MHz, including bands 71 and n71) is of interest for mobile services, and although the market is at an early stage, an increasing number of countries are considering this spectrum for IMT.
This document shows GSA’s current understanding of the state of mobile operator licensing around the world at 600 MHz.
Spectrum Positions: From 600 MHz – September 2021
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© GSA 2021
GSA Spectrum Group
The GSA Spectrum Group develops strategies and plans, and contributes studies and technical analysis to international, regional and individual country policymakers and regulators to facilitate the timely availability of spectrum for use by mobile network operators.
The Spectrum Group is the supplier focus group for technical and regulatory matters of radio spectrum pertaining to the successful evolution of International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) and associated radiocommunication systems and comprises a team made up of spectrum and regulatory affairs specialists from our Executive Member and Member companies.
The Spectrum Group is participating in the study work leading up the World Radiocommunication Conference meeting in 2019, (WRC-19).
In addition our spectrum reports regularly provide updates on global spectrum harmonisation efforts and developments including auctions, assignments, allocations, and re-farming activities.
Industry Representations
GSA is a Market Representation Partner in 3GPP and co-operates with other key organisations including GCF, CITEL, COAI, ETSI, GSMA, ITU, CEPT-ECC, ATU, and other regional regulatory bodies.