
Technology Definitions for GSA Market Monitoring

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The GSA maintains an extensive programme of market monitoring in order to deliver regular reports about the state of development of wireless technology markets worldwide. GSA regularly publishes network details, numbers of trials, and commitments to invest in key technologies, as well as counts of actual network deployments and commercial service launches.

This paper outlines how GSA defines the different technology and network launches in its research and reporting.

©2017 Global mobile Suppliers Association

The GSA maintains an extensive programme of market monitoring in order to deliver regular reports about the state of development of wireless technology markets worldwide. GSA regularly publishes network details, numbers of trials, and commitments to invest in key technologies, as well as counts of actual network deployments and commercial service launches.

This paper outlines how GSA defines the different technology and network launches in its research and reporting.

©2017 Global mobile Suppliers Association

Date: 21st Jul 2017
Type: GSA Report
Technology: LTE
Originator: GSA

Global mobile Suppliers Association

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