
The future use of UHF spectrum in ITU Region 1

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The future use of UHF spectrum in ITU Region 1

About this study

This independent study, commissioned by the GSA, considers the use of UHF spectrum generally, but in particular the sub-700 MHz band, in a number of different services, focussing on its use in ITU Region 1. The study sets out the potential use for UHF spectrum in mobile, broadcasting, PMSE, PPDR and radioastronomy, and considers how these demands vary by geography. We conclude with consideration of how a more regional approach to spectrum assignment may lead to significant benefits.


This independent study examines the current and future use of the UHF band in general, but in particular the portion of this band between 470 MHz and 694 MHz. Historically this spectrum has been allocated and used by television broadcasting, with secondary users of PMSE equipment in the white spaces created by the need for non-overlapping transmissions (and a small reservation for use by radio astronomy). However, with changing demand from mobile services and broadcast viewing habits, this paper considers whether there is a need to revisit this allocation.

Mobile broadband growth requires more low-band spectrum

First, we look at the use of sub-1 GHz UHF spectrum by mobile broadband services. There has been a very large increase in the use of mobile broadband over the past decade, across rural and urban areas, and in both developing and developed countries. Consumers and enterprises alike are using connections for a wide variety of services, and many now rely on high quality broadband for work, productivity, home keeping, and entertainment. A key driver of mobile data is video, representing over three quarters of all traffic, and as screens improve in resolution and consumers increasingly acquire VR and AR equipment, demand for mobile data will accelerate further.

The future use of UHF spectrum in ITU Region 1

The future use of UHF spectrum in ITU Region 1 

The future use of UHF spectrum in ITU Region 1

About this study

This independent study, commissioned by the GSA, considers the use of UHF spectrum generally, but in particular the sub-700 MHz band, in a number of different services, focussing on its use in ITU Region 1. The study sets out the potential use for UHF spectrum in mobile, broadcasting, PMSE, PPDR and radioastronomy, and considers how these demands vary by geography. We conclude with consideration of how a more regional approach to spectrum assignment may lead to significant benefits.


This independent study examines the current and future use of the UHF band in general, but in particular the portion of this band between 470 MHz and 694 MHz. Historically this spectrum has been allocated and used by television broadcasting, with secondary users of PMSE equipment in the white spaces created by the need for non-overlapping transmissions (and a small reservation for use by radio astronomy). However, with changing demand from mobile services and broadcast viewing habits, this paper considers whether there is a need to revisit this allocation.

Mobile broadband growth requires more low-band spectrum

First, we look at the use of sub-1 GHz UHF spectrum by mobile broadband services. There has been a very large increase in the use of mobile broadband over the past decade, across rural and urban areas, and in both developing and developed countries. Consumers and enterprises alike are using connections for a wide variety of services, and many now rely on high quality broadband for work, productivity, home keeping, and entertainment. A key driver of mobile data is video, representing over three quarters of all traffic, and as screens improve in resolution and consumers increasingly acquire VR and AR equipment, demand for mobile data will accelerate further.

The future use of UHF spectrum in ITU Region 1

The future use of UHF spectrum in ITU Region 1 
Date: 10th Jun 2021
Type: White Paper
Technology: Spectrum
Originator: Plum Consulting

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