Unlicensed Spectrum Snapshot
- 38 operators investing in Licensed Assisted Access (LAA) across 21 countries.
- 8 of these have announced LAA network deployments or launches, in 6 countries.
- 12 operators have announced investments in LTE-U networks.
- 3 LTE-U networks have been deployed or launched in 3 countries.
- 1 LTE Wireless-LAN Aggregation (LWA) network launched in Taiwan, with two other operators investing in the technology through trials in South Korea and Taiwan.
- 17 public network operators investing in CBRS trials in the USA, plus numerous companies looking at private network use cases.
- 232 devices (including regional variants of devices) either supporting LTE in unlicensed spectrum, or shared spectrum using CBRS, from 44 vendors

2019 GSA