
SPECTRUM: Use of C-Band (3400/3600-4200 MHz) for Mobile Broadband in Hungary, Italy, Sweden & UK

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June 19, 2015 – [1.9 MB]

Use of C-Band (3400/3600-4200 MHz) for mobile broadband in Hungary, Italy, Sweden and the UK

A report by Plum Consulting

This report provides an independent assessment of the economic benefits that would arise through use of C-Band spectrum (3400/3600-4200 MHz) for mobile broadband services in Hungary, Italy, Sweden and the UK.

Mobile broadband traffic is forecast to grow rapidly over the next 10-15 years. It is possible that there will be a spectrum shortfall unless sufficient spectrum is made available to avoid operators having to make costly investments in infrastructure to support this traffic growth. The 3400/3600-4200 MHz frequency range could be used to provide additional capacity to address this shortfall. It will reduce the costs of service provision and improve quality of service. The early availability of 3400/3600-3800 MHz and 3800-4200 MHz spectrum for IMT is expected to yield significant net benefit.

3400/3600-4200 MHz is currently used by several incumbent services including fixed satellite service earth stations (FSS-ES) and the fixed service (FS) – fixed links (point to point and point to multi-point). This report considers the economic benefit arising from the early release of spectrum in the 3400/3600-4200 MHz frequency range for mobile broadband services.

National sharing frameworks and the use of LSA

In order to make 3400/3600-4200 MHz available for mobile services while at the same time protecting incumbent services, administrations need to establish national frameworks for spectrum sharing between Mobile/Fixed Communication Networks (MFCNs) and the existing Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) and Fixed Service (FS).

This report was commissioned by Ericsson, Huawei and Qualcomm.

Published June 2015

This document is made available here on the GSA website with permission.

Opinions expressed in the content posted here are the personal opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of GSA.

June 19, 2015 – [1.9 MB]

Use of C-Band (3400/3600-4200 MHz) for mobile broadband in Hungary, Italy, Sweden and the UK

A report by Plum Consulting

This report provides an independent assessment of the economic benefits that would arise through use of C-Band spectrum (3400/3600-4200 MHz) for mobile broadband services in Hungary, Italy, Sweden and the UK.

Mobile broadband traffic is forecast to grow rapidly over the next 10-15 years. It is possible that there will be a spectrum shortfall unless sufficient spectrum is made available to avoid operators having to make costly investments in infrastructure to support this traffic growth. The 3400/3600-4200 MHz frequency range could be used to provide additional capacity to address this shortfall. It will reduce the costs of service provision and improve quality of service. The early availability of 3400/3600-3800 MHz and 3800-4200 MHz spectrum for IMT is expected to yield significant net benefit.

3400/3600-4200 MHz is currently used by several incumbent services including fixed satellite service earth stations (FSS-ES) and the fixed service (FS) – fixed links (point to point and point to multi-point). This report considers the economic benefit arising from the early release of spectrum in the 3400/3600-4200 MHz frequency range for mobile broadband services.

National sharing frameworks and the use of LSA

In order to make 3400/3600-4200 MHz available for mobile services while at the same time protecting incumbent services, administrations need to establish national frameworks for spectrum sharing between Mobile/Fixed Communication Networks (MFCNs) and the existing Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) and Fixed Service (FS).

This report was commissioned by Ericsson, Huawei and Qualcomm.

Published June 2015

This document is made available here on the GSA website with permission.

Opinions expressed in the content posted here are the personal opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of GSA.

Date: 17th Aug 2015
Type: Report
Technology: Spectrum
Originator: Plum Consulting