Fixed Wireless Access Forum Meeting #1
Fixed Wireless Access Forum
GSA brings FWA leaders together to drive GSA 4G and 5G
Vendors from across FWA ecosystem join as Founding Partners and Members to promote usage options for 4G and 5G fixed wireless access broadband services around the world
London, UK, 1st December 2020 – The Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) today announced the initial Founding Partners and Members of the new GSA 4G-5G Fixed Wireless Access Forum. Companies from across the FWA ecosystem including leading chipset, module, and terminal vendors have confirmed their intention to drive 4G & 5G FWA development, with 23 vendors including Casa Systems, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, Quectel and Sequans announced today as Founding Partners and Members.
Joe Barrett, President, Global mobile Suppliers Association, commented:
“The interest and support for the 4G-5G FWA Forum from across a wide range of companies in the FWA ecosystem demonstrates this area of the mobile market is seen as an early growth opportunity for 5G. There are already 423 4G FWA networks and, of the 120+ operators that have announced 5G launches, 44 have launched residential or business 5G FWA broadband services according to our latest FWA report. This new initiative will help drive more 4G and 5G FWA deployments and we are delighted by the strong momentum behind the Forum that is already building.”
The pace of FWA deployment is accelerating. GSA tracks device availability in its GAMBoD database, which now has over 18,600 catalogued LTE and 5G devices. Within that, GSA has now identified over 1500 LTE FWA devices, with over 822 added so far this year. The latest 4G and 5G FWA data was published by GSA in its latest report Fixed Wireless Access – Global Status Update and shared with the FWA community in its recent GSA Snapshot Webinar, a recording of which is available on-demand here ( A copy of the full report is available for download from:
The scope of the new GSA 4G-5G FWA Forum includes:
· Sharing trends in the industry, identifying directions in technical development, accumulating and promoting successful experiences
· Improving the 4G and 5G FWA technologies required to provide wireless broadband connection solutions with increased performance and cost-effectiveness
· Fostering collaboration among FWA suppliers to improve the industry’s ecosystem and ensure business success
· Promoting the success of the FWA industry to accelerate the provisioning of broadband access to anyone, anywhere
· Producing a FWA CPE device booklet detailing FWA products available in the market.
The first task of the 4G-5G FWA Forum Partners will be to form the Steering Team and select a Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons.
GSA 4G-5G FWA Forum Founding Partners and Members include ASRMicro, ATEL, Beijing Esound Technology Co., Casa Systems, Ericsson, Fibocom, Gosuncnwelink Technology, Guangzhou Tozed Kangwei, Hai IoT, Huawei, Jaton Technology, MaxComm, MobotMobile, Neoway, Nokia, Notion InfoTech, Quectel, Sequans, SMAWave, TigerCel, Unisoc, YaoJin Technology (Shenzhen) Co. and Zhongmi Communications.
Membership and participation in the GSA 4G-5G FWA Forum is open to chipset, module, and terminal vendors, together with industry representatives from across the telecommunications ecosystem who wish to promote Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) technology, products and services. For more information or a GSA 4G-5G FWA Forum Application Forum, please email
Fixed Wireless Access Forum