
Regional Spotlight: 5G & 5G SA in APAC

Across the APAC region, GSA is currently tracking 843 networks including LTE, LTE-Advanced, 5G and fixed wireless access. 2G and 3G networks are being switched off, non-terrestrial satellite services are being launched, and 5G Standalone is being evaluated, trialled and deployed throughout the region.

What is the true status of 4G, 5G and 5G SA in APAC? To what extent are operators and organisations embracing private mobile networks? And how will the availability of spectrum shape the 6G future?

In this regional spotlight webinar, the GSA Research team share the latest data on:

  • The status of LTE and 5G in the region
  • Private Networks in APAC
  • Spectrum assignments, both recently completed and upcoming

Download the report here: https://gsacom.com/paper/spotlight-asiapacific-september-2024/

Watch on-demand replay below