
GSA 4G-5G FWA Forum Plenary-5

3GPP-based FWA is already widely used globally, and its adoption keeps growing fast. Over 504 operators were investing in 4G/5G FWA according to the GSA FWA report from July 2022 – but what is the global picture today?

How are regulators, mobile operators and the vendor ecosystem responding to the fixed wireless opportunity, and what are the obstacles that need to be overcome?

This GSA 4G-5G FWA Forum Plenary brings together operators from North America and Europe to identify and share their best practice fixed wireless access use cases.

The agenda of the Plenary will include:

  • FWA market status – the latest global data from GSA and its GAMBoD database
  • Deployment best practice – the experiences of Bell Mobility (Canada) and Telia (Norway)
  • The FWA ecosystem – what the CPE, module and chipset vendors need to do

The GSA 4G-5G FWA Forum Plenary-5 is sponsored by Pirlys, Simcom and Tozed.

Watch the full replay below.