
EVS – Enhanced Voice Services – Market Update September 2018

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Enhanced Voice Service (EVS)-enabled networks continue to gain momentum in 2018. The number of telecoms operators known by GSA to be investing in the technology has increased to 19 since our last report in March 2018, with deployments in Europe, Asia and the USA. The growing interest in EVS in the operator world has been reciprocated by device launches by the vendors. We have managed to identify 153 enabled devices in the market, all of them phones. This is a significant rise compared to the 34 devices included in our March report. Enhanced voice services are often being marketed around the world using the terms “HD Voice Plus” or “Ultra HD Voice”.

As of September 2018:

  • 19 operators are known to have been investing in EVS demonstrations, planned launches or launches
  • 17 of those operators have introduced EVS services in their mobile networks
  • 153 EVS enabled mobile handsets are currently available in the market, from a set of 12 vendors.

©2018 GSA

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Enhanced Voice Service (EVS)-enabled networks continue to gain momentum in 2018. The number of telecoms operators known by GSA to be investing in the technology has increased to 19 since our last report in March 2018, with deployments in Europe, Asia and the USA. The growing interest in EVS in the operator world has been reciprocated by device launches by the vendors. We have managed to identify 153 enabled devices in the market, all of them phones. This is a significant rise compared to the 34 devices included in our March report. Enhanced voice services are often being marketed around the world using the terms “HD Voice Plus” or “Ultra HD Voice”.

As of September 2018:

  • 19 operators are known to have been investing in EVS demonstrations, planned launches or launches
  • 17 of those operators have introduced EVS services in their mobile networks
  • 153 EVS enabled mobile handsets are currently available in the market, from a set of 12 vendors.

©2018 GSA

Content can be used providing GSA is referenced as the source.

Papers can not be republished on other web sites without the express permission of the GSA.

EVS – Enhanced Voice Services – Market Update September 2018
Date: 14th Sep 2018
Type: GSA Report
Technology: Other
Originator: GSA

Global mobile Suppliers Association

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