
GSA confirms global LTE subscriptions reach 1.29 billion

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9th June 2016

GSA confirms global LTE subscriptions doubled in past year to reach 1.29 billion in Q1 2016

June 9, 2016: GSA, the Global mobile Suppliers Association, confirms that LTE continues to grow faster than any other mobile communications system technology.

LTE gained 182 million connections in Q1 2016, almost 4 times faster than 3G/HSPA systems. 3G/HSPA subscriptions grew by 48 million while GSM subscriptions fell by 120 million in the same quarter. The number of LTE and LTE-Advanced subscriptions is expected to pass the 3G/WCDMA-HSPA global total in 2020, and possibly sooner.

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9th June 2016

GSA confirms global LTE subscriptions doubled in past year to reach 1.29 billion in Q1 2016

June 9, 2016: GSA, the Global mobile Suppliers Association, confirms that LTE continues to grow faster than any other mobile communications system technology.

LTE gained 182 million connections in Q1 2016, almost 4 times faster than 3G/HSPA systems. 3G/HSPA subscriptions grew by 48 million while GSM subscriptions fell by 120 million in the same quarter. The number of LTE and LTE-Advanced subscriptions is expected to pass the 3G/WCDMA-HSPA global total in 2020, and possibly sooner.

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Date: 9th Jun 2016
Type: Press Release
Technology: GSA Global
Originator: GSA

Global mobile Suppliers Association

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