
GSA Snapshot: 3GPP IoT Global Status

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The third quarter of 2017 saw momentum continue to build behind cellular IoT networks based on NB-IoT/Cat-NB1 and LTE-M/Cat-M1: most activity involved NB-IoT/Cat-NB1. Activity worldwide is indicated in Figure 1. The latest numbers of commercially launched services and trials as of 6 January 2018 are:

  • 91 operators investing in NB-IoT in 52 countries, including
  • 39 commercial NB-IoT networks in 28 countries and a further 52 networks in 36 countries trialling, demonstrating or planning to deploy NB-IoT/Cat-NB1.
  • 34 operators investing in LTE Cat-M1 including
  • nine commercial LTE-M networks and 25 other networks in 16 countries trialling, demonstrating or planning to deploy LTE-M/Cat-M1.

©2018 GSA

Maps may be copied and used providing GSA is indicated as the source.

The third quarter of 2017 saw momentum continue to build behind cellular IoT networks based on NB-IoT/Cat-NB1 and LTE-M/Cat-M1: most activity involved NB-IoT/Cat-NB1. Activity worldwide is indicated in Figure 1. The latest numbers of commercially launched services and trials as of 6 January 2018 are:

  • 91 operators investing in NB-IoT in 52 countries, including
  • 39 commercial NB-IoT networks in 28 countries and a further 52 networks in 36 countries trialling, demonstrating or planning to deploy NB-IoT/Cat-NB1.
  • 34 operators investing in LTE Cat-M1 including
  • nine commercial LTE-M networks and 25 other networks in 16 countries trialling, demonstrating or planning to deploy LTE-M/Cat-M1.

©2018 GSA

Maps may be copied and used providing GSA is indicated as the source.

Date: 5th Feb 2018
Type: GSA Snapshot
Technology: Narrow Band IoT & M2M
Originator: GSA

Global mobile Suppliers Association

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