
Small Cell Networks

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Small cells are likely to play an important role in meeting the network demands of the future. The increasing numbers of massive hotspot areas with demanding capacity and connections requirements has seen a rise in popularity of small cell solutions.

©2016 GSA

This report benefits greatly from the insights and experiences kindly contributed by the GSA’s members and community, in particular, the Executive Members Ericsson and Huawei.

Small cells are likely to play an important role in meeting the network demands of the future. The increasing numbers of massive hotspot areas with demanding capacity and connections requirements has seen a rise in popularity of small cell solutions.

©2016 GSA

This report benefits greatly from the insights and experiences kindly contributed by the GSA’s members and community, in particular, the Executive Members Ericsson and Huawei.

Date: 24th Nov 2016
Type: GSA Report
Technology: Other
Originator: GSA

Global mobile Suppliers Association

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