A total of 239 operators are investing in VoLTE in 111 countries including 172 operators with commercially launched VoLTE-HD voice service in 83 countries. In the last six months, VoLTE technology has continued to be deployed around the world; 35 new operators have been identified as having launched VoLTE services.
We have identified launches in the UK, Turkmenistan, Macau, Georgia, Iceland, Peru, Iceland, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Panama and the USA. Other operators announced plans to develop VoLTE services, such as Viettel in Vietnam and Smile in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
VoLTE has now launched in 83 countries – an increase of 17 since February 2018. Of these, 27 have three or more operators offering VoLTE services on
networks. Countries that have launched their first VoLTE networks in the last six months include Barbados, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Kuwait, Luxembourg and Turkmenistan. In Chile two operators were identified that have launched VoLTE since February 2018.
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