TRA Bahrain
In 2002, Bahrain enacted the Telecommunications Law, establishing the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA). TRA carries out its duties independently and in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner.
TRA has been committed to liberalizing and developing the telecoms sector by promoting fair and effective competition between established operators and new entrants, and to protecting consumers’ interests since the beginning.
With the 2022-2023 workplan setting TRA’s focus on tasks that derive from the 5th National Telecom Plan (NTP5), The TRA aims to build on the sector’s progress with essential projects which ensures that fast and reliable broadband is available in an indiscriminate manner, regulatory frameworks are refined, networks are safeguarded, consumer interests are protected, and that the way is paved for innovation and future technologies.
Innovation is an integral part of TRA’s internal frameworks, as the TRA promotes innovation across all departments and levels. The organization is driven by a culture of excellence and continuous improvement; it invests heavily in training and developing its employees.
A number of initiatives have been launched by TRA to ensure that the communications environment in the Kingdom meets consumer expectations. For instance, A National Broadband Network was successfully established by the TRA, which was the first of its kind in the MENA region, after a portion of the incumbent was split and a newly formed entity was created to ensure that all licensees would have access to a single National Broadband Network, the impact of which encouraged a 72% drop in broadband prices.
Leveraging the best technology and regulation to deliver a competitive and innovative industry remains a core mission of the Regulator. The TRA is constantly reviewing its regulations and framework based on a number of principles including consumer protection and fostering competition. Initiatives include regulating bulk messages and monitoring quality of telecommunications services.
The Regulator’s core mission remains to ensure that the industry remains competitive and innovative by utilizing the most advanced technology and regulations possible. A number of principles, including consumer protection and competition, are taken into consideration when reviewing the TRA’s regulations and framework. The agency has undertaken initiatives to regulate bulk messages and monitor the quality of telecommunication services.
TRA Bahrain