Joe Barrett
5G market snapshot!
In our latest market snapshot, GSA has identified 622 operators in 185 countries and territories investing in #5G.
Get the latest data and charts on 5G #FWA, #5GSA, #devices and #spectrum.
Download your 5G market snapshot here:
🛰️📲 Satellite-to-cellphone (aka direct-to-device or #d2d) is a hot topic in the mobile device industry. So, what are the MNO/satellite partnerships driving #NTN market, and where's seeing the first deployments?
Download the latest GSA report here:
The number of announced #5Gdevices has now reached a total of 2,943 devices, with the proportion of commercially available devices now up to 86.6%, according to the latest GSA report.
Download your copy of the report here:
#FWA #5Gstandalone #5G
Get the latest global data on #5G #FWA CPE shipments and trends in just 15-minutes.
Watch the on-demand replay of GSA FWA Forum CPE vendor survey 2024
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