Dr Ulrich Dropmann
Head of Standardization
Bell Labs CTO
Ulrich leads Nokia Standardization team. The team is responsible for global and regional standardization, technical regulation as spectrum. The team is part of the Nokia BellLabs CTO group.
Prior to that Ulrich lead Nokia Networks Industry Environment unit.
Between 2007 and 2012 Ulrich lead the NSN 3GPP standardization team and has served as Head of Delegation to 3GPP. Since 2009 he chaired the Industry Group “European Friends of 3GPP”.
Between 1996 and 2007, Ulrich held various positions in R&D of Siemens Mobile Networks unit. He was responsible for standardization activities of the core network business unit and managed Siemens 3GPP activities. Ulrich had instrumental role in the definition of the UMTS architecture as well as in set up of project management in 3GPP.
Ulrich holds a Ph.D. from Télécom ParisTech from 1996; research area was the definition of 3G Radio Interface and his research was part of EU collaborative research program (RACE ATDMA).