
Sub 1 GHz Spectrum for LTE and 5G

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Sub 1 GHz Spectrum for LTE and 5G

This report provides a snapshot of the global status of national usage of spectrum below 1 GHz for LTE and 5G services. It is part of a series of reports which will separately also cover spectrum from 1 GHz to 6 GHz and spectrum above 6 GHz.

This report reflects a market that is in constant fl ux and feedback is greatly appreciated to keep it current. Please send comments and information to

Key statistics:

777 operators have launched LTE networks, in 228 countries worldwide.

483 operators in 165 countries hold licences enabling launch of LTE using spectrum below 1 GHz

386 operators in 153 countries are known to have launched LTE networks using spectrum below 1 GHz

12,189 LTE devices support one or more bands below 1 GHz (out of 15,378 LTE devices in GSA’s GAMBoD database)

Twenty-nine countries have announced formal (date-specified) plans for allocating 5G-suitable frequencies below 1 GHz between now and end-2021 (including technology-neutral licences or licences for mobile broadband services).

Twenty-five of those are planning to auction/allocate spectrum at 700 MHz.

Sub 1 GHz Spectrum

Key LTE bands below 1 GHz; count of companies investing in LTE at each band

The 800 MHz band is most used sub-1 GHz band, followed by 700 MHz and then 900 MHz.

©2019 GSA


Sub 1 GHz Spectrum for LTE and 5G

This report provides a snapshot of the global status of national usage of spectrum below 1 GHz for LTE and 5G services. It is part of a series of reports which will separately also cover spectrum from 1 GHz to 6 GHz and spectrum above 6 GHz.

This report reflects a market that is in constant fl ux and feedback is greatly appreciated to keep it current. Please send comments and information to

Key statistics:

777 operators have launched LTE networks, in 228 countries worldwide.

483 operators in 165 countries hold licences enabling launch of LTE using spectrum below 1 GHz

386 operators in 153 countries are known to have launched LTE networks using spectrum below 1 GHz

12,189 LTE devices support one or more bands below 1 GHz (out of 15,378 LTE devices in GSA’s GAMBoD database)

Twenty-nine countries have announced formal (date-specified) plans for allocating 5G-suitable frequencies below 1 GHz between now and end-2021 (including technology-neutral licences or licences for mobile broadband services).

Twenty-five of those are planning to auction/allocate spectrum at 700 MHz.

Sub 1 GHz Spectrum

Key LTE bands below 1 GHz; count of companies investing in LTE at each band

The 800 MHz band is most used sub-1 GHz band, followed by 700 MHz and then 900 MHz.

©2019 GSA


Sub 1 GHz Spectrum for LTE and 5G
Date: 24th Oct 2019
Type: GSA Report
Technology: 5G, LTE, Spectrum
Originator: GSA