
Worldwide Mobile Technology Developments in LTE, LTE-Advanced, LTE-Advanced Pro

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Worldwide Mobile Technology Developments in LTE, LTE-Advanced, LTE-Advanced Pro (GSA presentation)

Presentation used as part of the interview by GSA interview with Telesemana at MWC2016, Barcelona, Spain and incorporating data and trends contained in several recent GSA reports and information papers.

Topics covered:

* LTE network deployments and commercial launches
* Investments in LTE-Advanced technology, deployments, commercial launches, theoretical peak downlink speeds
* Spectrum used in commercially launched LTE networks, with focus in sub-1GHz deployments
* LTE devices ecosystem and capabilities
* LTE-Advanced pro
* LTE Broadcast (eMBMS): applications, demonstrations, tests, trials, drivers and barriers to deployment
* VoLTE operator investments, deployments and commercial service launches
* Resources on

© Copyright 2016 Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) – 2016

This material and data may be used subject to accreditation of the GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) as the source.

Errors and Omissions Excepted.

Worldwide Mobile Technology Developments in LTE, LTE-Advanced, LTE-Advanced Pro (GSA presentation)

Presentation used as part of the interview by GSA interview with Telesemana at MWC2016, Barcelona, Spain and incorporating data and trends contained in several recent GSA reports and information papers.

Topics covered:

* LTE network deployments and commercial launches
* Investments in LTE-Advanced technology, deployments, commercial launches, theoretical peak downlink speeds
* Spectrum used in commercially launched LTE networks, with focus in sub-1GHz deployments
* LTE devices ecosystem and capabilities
* LTE-Advanced pro
* LTE Broadcast (eMBMS): applications, demonstrations, tests, trials, drivers and barriers to deployment
* VoLTE operator investments, deployments and commercial service launches
* Resources on

© Copyright 2016 Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) – 2016

This material and data may be used subject to accreditation of the GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) as the source.

Errors and Omissions Excepted.

Date: 3rd Mar 2016
Type: Presentation
Technology: GSA Global, LTE-Advanced Pro
Originator: GSA

Global mobile Suppliers Association

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